A Woman's Fight for Her Body

beach-885109_640Ah ladies… don’t we all know that fighting for our health and wellness is a daily battle? This battle is made up of small decision, after small decision plus, a whole lot of stuff that we never would have chosen.  I want to make it clear that I am not a MD, but I'd like to share my own story in hopes that it might encourage others to fight for themselves. I found that as I shared my story with other women, they kept telling me “write about this Jenna, other women need to know”.

I felt outside of my own body for over a year. When I was 18 and in college I made the decision, as many young girls do, to be on birth control. My face broke out like most young women and I was told that birth control could help with this. The first year I was on it was okay, but over the next 7 years I would try 7 different forms of birth control. Every single form was okay in the beginning, but it always led to the same result. It made me feel like I was climbing the walls. Now I will be the first to admit that I am a very sensitive being both physically and emotionally. I believe it is a gift the Lord has molded in me so that I can help others heal. With that said, it was very clear to me that my hormones DID NOT like to be messed with.

After I got married, I made the conscious decision to remove myself from birth control because it had been such a point of discomfort in my overall physical and mental wellness for the past several years. That’s when the real fun began.

I stopped taking birth control after going on my honeymoon. I read up on natural family planning and my husband and I were ready to do what we needed to not get pregnant and help my body get back to neutral. At first, my body seemed to respond well to the change. Then, the flood gates opened.

I gained 10 lbs in a month.

My face was breaking out like I was in high school again.

I was so tired all the time; I felt like I might fall asleep at the wheel and had to nap constantly.

My hair started falling out in chunks.

My skin was dry and my scalp itched constantly.

My body was telling me I was depressed, when there was no emotional reason why I should be.

I didn’t have a menstrual cycle at all.

I didn’t sleep through the night for almost 8 months.

Bottom line is, even though I was happy overall (thanks in large part to my amazing husband), I did not feel even remotely like myself. I would still work out and eat healthy and nothing changed. I would have random fits of tears that made absolutely no sense. I still remember sitting in my Gyno’s office saying “what’s wrong with me”. I wasn’t pregnant, so what was it? My Gyno tested my thyroid and said that everything was normal. I walked out of her office feeling defeated, I just knew there was something wrong. I continued on in this state for another two months. Then, I decided it was time for a second opinion.

I went to a PCP (primary care physician) who listened to all of my symptoms as I cried in her office. She tested my thyroid again. She tested my TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level, my T4 level and my T3 level. When we got the numbers back, she told me I had hypothyroid. My Gyno had only tested the TSH level on my first appointment, but it was my other levels that indicated the concern. I struggled for 2 more months than necessary because the right labs were not drawn the first time. To this day, I believe my hypothyroid was early onset because of birth control pills messing with my natural hormones. I remember leaving my PCP’s office feeling so relieved. I had an answer, but I still had a fight ahead.

When I didn’t feel like myself, I also stopped taking care of myself the way I used to. Particularly as it relates to diet. By the end of this experience, I was eating around 10-15 Laffy Taffy a night and any sour candy I could get my hands on. I got myself addicted to sugar. I still remember very clearly that I was at dinner with my Mama. She used to be a nurse and has always been so helpful with medical advice. I told my Mama that the Synthroid medication was helping my thyroid, and physically I looked the way I wanted to, but I still didn’t feel like myself. I knew something needed to change, but I didn’t feel like I could do it with all of the cravings I had. She asked me a simple question, “Jenna, if you were pregnant, and the doctor told you that continuing to consume sugar would hurt the baby, would you stop?”. I said, “Of course I would, no question”. She replied, “Are you not just as important?”

BAM. Laying down wisdom like only my Mama does. Oh, I remember this conversation started because I was tearful over not having honey baked ham for Easter… that should have told me my emotions were still out of whack. My Mama told me about something called the Daniel Plan Detox. My husband and I agreed to do it together for 10 days. It cut all sugar, all gluten, all processed foods, all dairy (those who know me know I love cheese), all alcohol (wine…seriously?), even dressing (which I love so much)… basically everything fun.

The first 5 days of the detox were brutal. I had TERRIBLE headaches because my body was truly detoxing from my sugar addiction. By the end of the 10 days, I was sleeping like a log. I still remember very vividly that I was driving down the road, and everything looked more clear to me. I was alert, I was peaceful and I was at home in my own body. The thyroid was part of my problem… but sugar was the catalyst. The sugar took my body hostage and did not release me for almost a year. It has been almost 2 years since I went through the detox, and sugar and gluten are still not a part of my life. I added cheese back into my diet (I cannot live without it and I just won’t).

I had to fight, I had to research, I had to try to figure out what would make me feel better and give me my life back. I still remember my coworkers at the company I worked for at the time being in awe of my will power for my meal prep and life style. I will tell you what ladies, will power comes because you know that you never want to live the way you did before again. I still to this day turn down sour candy, even though I miss it. I order gluten free at restaurants because my gut doesn’t like it anymore. Just because this was the answer for me, doesn’t mean it will be the answer for you, but find your answer. I was at the point where I thought, maybe this is just what it feels like to get older. I was oh so wrong. I know my body better now than I ever have in my life. Don’t give up.

Those who know me, know I am a foodie. I cook almost every night and love to have gourmet meals. My family will sometimes spend 4 hours around a dining table for one meal (my in-laws are still getting used to this family quirk). Food brings me joy and comfort. That’s why I don’t believe in diets, I believe in lifestyles. Figure out what works for you and live your life that way. You know your body better than anyone else. Don’t take the first diagnosis, pick a fad diet, or take a short cut. Choose yourself.  Choose yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY until you are fully at home in your skin again. What can you do to fight for your body today?

Thanks for stopping by! Jen


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